World Book Day

About Us

World Book Day, celebrated annually on April 23rd, is a global event dedicated to promoting the joy of reading and the importance of books. This initiative aims to celebrate authors, illustrators, and the power of literature in bringing people together. The idea was first proposed by UNESCO in 1995, and the date was chosen to coincide with the death anniversary of prominent writers William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. The celebration encourages book-related activities, events, and the distribution of book tokens to children. World Book Day fosters a love for literature and underscores the transformative impact of books on individuals and societies.

With wisdom comes unity and with unity, wisdom.

Albert Einstein

Pune’s World Book Day is an example of these words. To acknowledge the fact, that books preserves the wisdom and passes it on to new generations, and celebrate the spirit of evolution & bring wiser, different book cafes, art studios, community spaces, literary clubs and individual artists unite to do a city wide celebration of the World Book Day. In 2023, 7 spaces, 3 artist community, 13 speakers united to do 10 literary engaging events in day, across the Pune city. We are confident, that every year, more people will unite.

Pune's World Book Day Logo

A Holistic Book Fest

In a technologically adept and AI-driven society, time and generations are altering, and so is the universe of literature. Hence, traditional literary festivals or book day celebrations should adapt to the shift, evolving into a new generation of literary festivities. These festivals, embracing innovation, diversity, and sustainability, answer to the different requirements of today’s global audience, ushering in a new chapter in the continuous story of literary appreciation.

Pune’s World Book Day is a one-of-a-kind book celebration that represents changing eras and evolving generations. The Book Day Festival is a multi-lingual event that combines classic paper books with innovative and next-generation forms such as audiobooks, eBooks, Braille, and developing sectors such as self-publication and more.

Nukkad Cafe

The initiative of a unified campaign was taken by Nukkad Cafe in Pune. It brought together the artist, authors and venues to do a one common celebrate through out the city, so that it can be the value addition is maximum to all.

Nukkad Café is a community space. It is perhaps Pune’s first Community Space with Café, Community Engagement Events, and Co-Working Space. Nukkad Cafe is the first cafe in Pune to be recognized as The Best Book Cafe in Pune in 2022. It’s a space & a spirit that allows everyone to explore & experiment on what they love doing and connect with people of their tribe. It’s A Space to Connect; better with oneself, with their group and be a part of a community, a tribe that one can relate. It presently has 3 outlets and run Pune’s largest youth poetry club.

Read More about 2023 Pune’s World Book Day event